
2022年9月23日—Requiredguidelines·Minimumoftwoappscreenshots·JPEGor24-bitPNGscreenshotswithnoalpha·320pxforminimumdimension·3840pxfor ...,2022年5月31日—Draganddropscreenshotsofyourappintodeviceartwork,forbetterlookingpromotionalimagesandimprovedvisualcontext.,2022年9月18日—TheGooglePlayStorerequiresaminimumof2screenshotsperapplisting.Themaximumis8screenshotspersupporteddevicetype:phone,tablet ....

Google Play screenshot sizes and guidelines for Android ...

2022年9月23日 — Required guidelines · Minimum of two app screenshots · JPEG or 24-bit PNG screenshots with no alpha · 320 px for minimum dimension · 3840 px for ...

Device art generator

2022年5月31日 — Drag and drop screenshots of your app into device artwork, for better looking promotional images and improved visual context.

How to Make Google Play Screenshots

2022年9月18日 — The Google Play Store requires a minimum of 2 screenshots per app listing. The maximum is 8 screenshots per supported device type: phone, tablet ...

Screenshot touch

Screenshot touch supports Android 5.0 Lollipop or higher. [ Basic features ] • Capture by touch (Notification area, overlay icon, shaking the device)

Google Play Screenshots

Create beautiful Google Play Store screenshots for your Android app in just a few clicks. Our online mockup generator makes it very easy to design the ...

Google Play and App Store Screenshot Sizes

2023年4月13日 — The Google Play Store strictly enforces the size and format of app screenshots. Marketers are required to submit at least two screenshots ...

Add preview assets to showcase your app

Include screenshots with a 1:1 aspect ratio and with a minimum size of 384 x 384 pixels. Don't include transparent backgrounds or masking. Android TV: If you ...

Google Play Store Screenshot Sizes and Guidelines (2023)

2023年9月19日 — The acceptable Google Play Store screenshot size, height, and width is between 320 px to 3840 px. Plus, the screenshot's max dimension must not ...

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能
